phi·lan·thro·py | fə-ˇlan(t)-thrə-pē
1: goodwill to fellow members of the human race especially : active effort to promote human welfare
2: an act or gift done or made for humanitarian purposes
Donor Testimonials
“As a pediatric patient whose life was saved here, I long ago adopted Deborah as my philanthropic priority. Today, I am proud to serve as Chairman of the Deborah Hospital Foundation and prouder still of Deborah’s resolve to remain at the forefront of medical discovery and compassionate care.”
Robert Birnbaum – Chairman, Deborah Hospital Foundation Board

“I’ve lived a lifetime setting high and adventurous sights, never allowing challenges to inhibit what I wanted to accomplish.
I gained a clear perspective about health and the persistent commitment of those providing care. I could have selected any healthcare organization in the world to care for me, but the specialists at Deborah focus on treatment far beyond our imagination. Deborah is ‘my’ hospital and I am forever indebted to them.”
Gregory Olsen – PhD, Director, Deborah Hospital Foundation Board
President & CEO of GHO Ventures

“Seven years ago my life was nearly cut short, but through the generosity of Deborah’s family of donors, our expertly skilled medical staff was well equipped with cutting-edge technology needed to save my life. Because of this, I have celebrated my 28th wedding anniversary, my kid’s high school and college graduations, vacations, holidays, and every day since.”
Steve Toal – Chief Development Officer, Deborah Hospital Foundation
Toal Family: Robyn, Stephanie, Patrick and Jennifer
“Our physicians, many of whom were trained by Deborah’s fellowship program, reflect our rich legacy of high quality compassionate healthcare. It is our life, not just our career. It is what sets Deborah apart from so many other healthcare organizations.”
Sena Sumathisena, MD – Cardiologist, Deborah Heart and Lung Center

“We know what it takes to realize your highest potential and greatest dreams…teamwork. The team at Deborah continues to be an extraordinary asset for patients and families who require their specialized expertise.
They are truly ‘Giants’ in the fields of cardiac, pulmonary and vascular care and the NFL Alumni is fortunate to have access to that brilliance.”
Bart Oates – President, NFL Alumni Association, 11 yrs NFL, 3x Super Bowl Champion
Beasley Reece – CEO, NFL Alumni Association, 10 yrs NFL, 5x Emmy Winner for Broadcasting

“Every healthcare organization should have the commitment to public health that Deborah has shown throughout their illustrious history. I salute their legacy and achievements as an exemplary New Jersey institution over the last one hundred years.”
Barbara George Johnson – Chairman, Deborah Hospital Foundation Board
Executive Director, John S. Watson Institute for Public Policy – Thomas Edison State University